
Spots on b***s... help?? i have NO idea what they are?

by Guest21311  |  earlier

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i got really sunburnt on day watching footy in the sun all day, i was like a beetroot, but it was a square neck tee i was wearing, nothing v or anything.

after that (a little while after, so it may be unrelated) i started to notice these little spots i thought were sun spots in my cleavage, which didnt get much sun, not really dark or anything, just darker than usual... then i started to get more on the underside of my b***s and where my bra always sits, so no sun got to there. i have some on my shoulder too and i have NO idea what they are.

they look annoying, even tho they're not THAT noticable...

there keeps gettin gmore and i have noticed the ones in my dleavage getting bigger. they almost look pinkish...almost.

they've been there for about 5 months or so now and i would really like to know if i should be worried or not. the ones on my arms come out as a heat rash when i overheat, but these ones stay...






  1. could be stretch marks that have gotten darker due to the sun exposure

  2. Its still heat rash your skin around your b*****s is not used to much sun at all or the heat even in where the sun don't shine.  One of my girls went to a nude beach with me and got spots all over even her lower lips...

    Don't worry... You will be fine..

  3. hmm

    i'd take your spots to a doctor, just to be sure. usually if they don't itch or hurt it's no big deal.

    sometimes taking certain medicines makes you sensitive to the sun, or you might have some minor allergy.

    could be as simple as some lotion you use or soap even.

    good luck

  4. Talk to your boy friend , about your spots on b***s

  5. You should see a dermatologist right away. In fact, you should have seen one much earlier. Don't neglect it, though. It could be serious.

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