
Spotted on Google Earth ! What is this ?

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Spotted on google earth ! can anyone tell what these are ?

62°14'35.47"N 6°56'44.73"W

I am thinking sunk metal tubings ?




  1. There are several hexagonal, square and circular "barriers" in the inlet.  There is also a ship close to 150 feet long next to one of these hexagonal shapes.  The shape is about 80 feet across diagonally.  It might be some type of fishery.  The image on the link below is from Google Maps.  The coordinates are:

    latitude: 62.270438760211746

    longitude: -6.945730447769165

    Also, there seems to be some sort of processing plant at the end of the inlet.

  2. These are fish farm installations in the Faroe islands.  Farmed salmon and halibut are a principle part of the Faroese economy.

  3. location in latitude and longitudewhich tell where are you on goole earth.

  4. metal tubings

  5. i have no idea but it kinda looks like elastic bands lol the round ones but yea i have no idea

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