
Spotting, Dryness, Masturbation, Dieting??

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I have been dieting for the past 2 weeks, and a few days before my period I was spotting, than after my period it stopped. I started thet diet changing my eating habits and I just masturbated a few hours ago and I noticed it was dry but i was horny but not wet, after masturbating, I noticed I started to spot like I big clot of blood, and it stopped. I went to pee and it came a lil more, and in the toilet little pieces of blood floating around. What's your opinion???




  1. My opinion should be taken for what it's worth: I'm a guy, and although I really do know a h**l of a lot about women's bodies and what they can do, I'm not a medical expert of any kind.  It really is just an *opinion*.  Fair enough?

    First, it's very unlikely that your diet has anything to do with this.  Second, I'm going to guess that your masturbating was... hmmmm... between 2 and 5 days after your period "stopped", and if that's not so, then I might be off track entirely.

    If your dietary change was drastic and sudden, it can change your whole hormonal balance for a couple of days or more, and vaginal/vulvar dryness might be perfectly normal due to a brief estrogen shortage... on top of which, there'd therefore be less uterine/cervical/vaginal fluid available for the rapid passage of any remaining uterine blood/tissue still hanging about when you stopped your flow... hence the big clot and the few spots after the uterine contractions of masturbatory o****m(s).

    If your change of diet *wasn't* drastic or sudden, I think I'd have to know your age before I could begin to guess.  If you're in the early bits of "perimenopause", this stuff (and other "weird period" things) might just be part of the dael for you, and if you aren't, then it might be that your uterus just took a bit of a break before finally spitting out it's last bit for the month - again, helped out by orgasmic uterine squeezing.

    In any case, if the same thing happens at your next period, I'd ask a doc about it.   Could be nothing and probably is, but any sudden and persistent change in a healthy woman's menstruation should be considered suspect until proven otherwise, just to stay on the safe side.

    Sound OK to you?   :-)

  2. yuk! hmm... maybe see a doctor, hon!

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