
Spotting and still passing tissue...I need some advice!?

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I just tried to post this question, but for some reason it didn't post...lets try again.

So, I posted the other day because I started light spotting about 3 days ago (almost a week before I should have started my period). I have also been having some early pregnancy symptoms (sore b*****s, nausea, aversions to certain foods). I took a pregnancy test yesterday and it was negative (but it could have been too early to test).

Today, I am still spotting, but I also passed some tissue. It was greyish in color and about the size of a nickel. I called my doctor right after and talked to a nurse (because of course my OB/GYN only works M-F) and she said that it sounds like it could be a miscarriage. After the first tissue I passes, I actually stopped spotting for a while. A few hours later, the spotting started again and I passes another piece of tissue.

What I'm wondering is if there is anything else this could be. Could I still be pregnant or does this really sound like a miscarriage? Should I demand to go into the doctor tomorrow to get checked out even though it wouldn't be with my OB/GYN (and it would actually probably be with a regular practitioner rather than an OB)?

I just need some advice right now, since I won't hear from my doctor till Monday. Thanks!




  1. You may indeed be having a miscarriage.  If you wish, you can always visit the local ER at your nearest hospital to confirm.  

  2. It kind of sounds like a miscarriage to me. I've had three of them. Are you cramping at all? All of my miscarriages were very painful by the time I was passing tissue. You definitely need to see a doctor. If you don't want to see a different doctor, you might want to go to the ER. If it's a miscarriage, it could probably wait until Monday. However, I've also had an ectopic pregnancy (sometimes called a tubal pregnancy). In my case, the baby was ON my ovary. In this case, I started bleeding and cramping. The doctor did another ultrasound and saw the baby was outside the uterus. He told me if it ruptured, it could be fatal for me. I had to get a methotrexate shot, which is basically an abortion. This was not a choice. It was a medical necessity. Please see a doctor.

    Are you sure this isn't a late period?

    Hope everything works out for you.

  3. Its not  normal to have tissues in a regular period right and even though spooting in early pregnancy is very normal , i havent heard of having tissues in it.

    Not to scare you please but i think you should take a sample of the tissues to your doctors or E/R  right away  for them to check you out .

    It could and please am using COULD because am no health care provider so i could be very wrong but it seems like your having an early mc.

    I quite remember i had tissues in my blood when i had an early mc in jan. But the blood was no spotting heavy blood.

    All the best and do keep us posted

  4. if you are spotting chances are it was no pregnancy at all, but then throwing in passing of tissue sounds like it could have been a m/c. there is no way you would still be pregnant if you were pregnant before you passed tissue. spotting and still being pregnant is possible but not with tissue. sorry.

  5. You never know what could be going on. It does sound kind of like a miscarriage, but it is better to be safe then sorry. I would go in and tell them that your body is giving signs that concern you and you need to be seen. They will see you and you should be checked by a midwife, NP, or the OB on call.

  6. It does sound like a miscarriage. If you are extremely concerned, demand to be seen. In case all of the fetal tissue did not pass, you may need to have extra procedures to ensure your health and to make sure that you can get pregnant in the future.

    The sooner you know, the sooner you can get the necessary procedures.  

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