
Spotting in early pregnancy?

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Hello all,

Just to give you a bit of background before my question: I am 31, I have a 17 month old daughter, had a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks before my daughter, and a normal miscarriage at 10 weeks in March this year.

We found out we were pregnant last week (hooray!) but then 2 days ago at 16 dpo (days post ovulation) I had a bit of red spotting. It wasn't much, only once when wiped, but due to my previous miscarriages any quantity of red blood is enough to freak me out! I had some bleeding when I was about 6 weeks with my daughter, but it was brown rather than red and I was told it was old blood left over from implantation.

I am taking my BBT and my temperature has remained high, and so far (touch wood) I haven't had any more blood. I am concerned though, as when I had my missed miscarriage I had light spotting at 8 weeks then nothing, and it wasn't until my 12 week scan that we found that the baby had died at 8 weeks.

I am currently only 4+2. I have been to see my Doctor who has said that I should just rest and see what happens. Basically I am after some reassurance (although I am aware that there are no guarantees!!) and would like to hear the experiences of ladies who have had red bleeding in early pregnancy. I am hoping that this might be an implantation bleed?




  1. At just over 4 weeks, it could definitely be implantation.  Especially if it was that small of amount.  Obviously, you know, the only way to know for certain is to see your doc, have your hcg levels checked or have a sonogram.  I really think it's nothing.  If you aren't having any cramping and not actively bleeding, I think you are just fine.  

    Believe me, I know how hard it is not to worry.  I have been there.  (3 losses)  But, some spotting is very common in early pregnancy, especially as early as you are.  Try to take it easy and rest.  I would be willing to bet you won't have any more bleeding.

    Good Luck and Congrats!

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