
Spouse says they are still in love with you?

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Spouse had an affair and they say that they want to work on the marriage but wants to take it one day at a time what does that mean. They also tell you that they are still in love with you. Do you believe that or not?




  1. They are probably telling the truth but that doesn't mean you can't not want it.

    If you want to work on your marriage it doesn't have to be on their terms. One day at a time means they still haven't made up their minds in my opinion. s***w that.

    They probably still love you but what good is love if there is no trust?

    Asking advice on somthing like this is a good thing but you have to make the decision here.

    If you want to continue being with this person you must get trust back into the relationship.

  2. Its hard to believe anything someone says when there is an affair hanging over the marriage. I would suggest to really talk about things and see if this marriage is something the both of you want. I think counseling will be a big help here to determine that. If they still love you, why would they have the affair? Its a fair question to ask. Sometimes people get weak but still, you made that vow to your spouse and its important to always keep it no matter how much greener the grass may look - its always in their head. Commuicate with each other, I believe that will really help the both of you. Take care!!

  3. well first of all they did make a big mistake

    but u should give them one more chance but

    let them kno that u will get rid of them if they

    do it again

  4. If they were in love with you, they wouldn't have cheated, PERIOD. There is NO ACCEPTABLE EXUSE for cheating.

    Further, the only blame to be had is the cheaters, not the cheated...for some reason cheaters don't like the word RESPONSIBILITY, therefore they blame everyone and/or everything else but themselves and their issues.

    Even further, if you are married, it's not just cheating, it's ADULTERY...whether you believe the Bible or not. Adultery falls in the same group as abortion, murder, and g*y marraige...NONE OF IT IS ACCEPTABLE OR EXCUSABLE, no matter what you believe or don't believe.

    I would advise you to take a long hard look a the relationship and ask yourself "If it were me, would I take me back". I bet you would say no...

  5. Nope, been there, didn't believe him any of the millions of times he said it.  Best thing I ever did was leave and stay away.

  6. If she really loved you she wouldn't have cheated cut your losses and move on. There are better fish in the sea. Good Luck and I am sorry.  

  7. been there.  don't believe everything that they say.  take it one day at a time.  let them prove to you that they are truly sorry for everything that they did wrong.  

    good luck

  8. It is hard to know the exact truth. To be honest, if your spouse truly loved you and wanted to be with you, cheating would not be a factor at all. A person cheats either because they are no longer in love or are just unhappy. It sounds to me your spouse felt really guilty after cheating and possibly wants to reconcile the relationship and make up for the hurt your spouse caused to you. Your spouse saying lets take is one day at a time pretty much means that they want to work on the relationship, but are not as in love with you, and they want to rebuild that slowly. I am sorry you are going through this. I am sure things will work out. Good Luck.

  9. I believe it :)  A person can love more then one person at a time.  Having s*x with someone else doesn't mean you don't love your spouse. :)  

    So, if the affair is the only problem you had in the relationship, then I'd still believe s/he loves you.  HOWEVER, if this is just one of many other problems, then s/he's probably just tired of washing her/his own laundry and eating gas station food :)

  10. I believe the person who does the cheating does not dictate the conditions of the relationship continuing, if it does. Unless he/she is blessed with the gift of gab.

    Also, the word love should be very carefully used since it obviously lost it's meaning. Do you believe that person? That is up to you. Me? Absolutely not, especially if I was doing my best in the relationship.

  11. If it's the first time - and you have no reason to believe otherwise - I think I'd give him a chance. But it would have to be better than for one day at a time. Rebuilding a marriage takes a very long time & he would need to commit to sticking it out through some tough times - including counseling, no contact with the person he had the affair with, lots of time alone with me, etc. Someone can love you & still have an affair - there could be self-esteem or stress issues or they could just be human, were tempted, and gave in. People today are way too quick to cut & run. Any human being can make a mistake. It's what they do next that separates the men from the boys. Marriage is for better or worse - this is one of the for worse times, when he has broken the forsaking all others vow. Give it a try but watch your back. Fool me once,shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me! Be strong! Good luck!

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