
Sprained, fractured, or just outright broken.?

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I stubbed my toe pretty hard and I thought it might be broken. My mom broke her pinky toe a few years back and she said it turned black and blue and it hurt extremely bad. Mine is only swollen slightly and it doesn't hurt that bad. I've got it elevated right now and I put ice on it right away for 30 minutes. I was walking around fine for the first hour after I stubbed it (with no problem) until I thought maybe that was a bad idea (I don't want to aggrevate it) and I sat down. I can wiggle and move my baby toe with almost no pain.




  1. it will heal on its own in a few days if it is just bruised.  if it is broken it may take a few weeks.  unless it is visibly bent or you feel the bone poking the skin there is nothing a doctor would do.

  2. You might want to tape your baby toe and your 4th toe together that way if it is broken it will have the support of the other toe to help it heal then you can take some motrin for the swelling and the pain good luck

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