
Sprained ankle- tryouts coming up?!?!?

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2 days ago, i sprained my ankle. its pretty swolen and still bruised.

i have tryouts in 3 days, i really want to play but i dont want to make it worse. i feel that if i tell the coaches, that they will think im making excuses or that they will cut me...

oppinions or advice?




  1. it may depend on  the severity of the sprain. if it's not to severe try your best to play.

    whether you decide to play or not depends on your tolerance to pain. i once played in a bball game where i wasn't able to run or jump b/c of a pulled hip. but i've known people that stop playing if they get hit in te mouth or something.

    rest! but dont baby it.

    when you go to tryouts definitely have your coach or trainer look at it before you play.

    they may want you to sit out or maybe do alternate exercises than the other players. If you've been to open practices or have been on the team before they already have a good idea of your abilities. And they may want you healthy for season- b/c i guarantee that it will keep bothering you until its gets a long rest.

    BUT you may just have to take some meds, brace it, and tough it out. If you really want to play that is.-you can rest it after season.

    also look up some ankle strenthening exercises on the internet (if your trainer doesn't give you any) so that it doesn't happen again.

  2. You needed to put ice on it straight away, after the injury - or at least something very cold onto it, like frozen vegetables (in the bag) or a cold can of coke... then you need to apply the standard stretchy muslim bandage (that is very long) and stretch it over and around your ankle, that is taped into place.  You are not meant to take off your shoe, until you have these ready to apply else your ankle will swell up right away, and stay that way.  If you're done the above proper treatment, you may find that you can walk, with the bandage in place.  If your injury is minor, you'll feel able to function almost like normal, with that bandage in place - but I would recomend no jumping until it is properly healed.  If you get sharp pains, obviously you won't be able to play any volleyball - so play cautiously, if you feel you can play at all - and even limp around to show you're not 100% but keen to carry on..  It is the first ankle injury that is the worse, now you know to wear proper ankle protection - all the time.  Wear shoes that cover the ankles - this lessens any injury you have.  Usually you'll feel a sharp pain for a few seconds, and because you were wearing the correct footwear, you can continue with the game.  Within 5 minutes you will have recovered and the pain would have gone away...  Know how ankle injuries occur because you can ensure you won't slip or land on someone's foot - the former when you go in for your spike, and the later with your jumping for spiking or blocking at the net.

    You'll wear the bandage for a few weeks, while your ankle recovers fully - you will feel the difference when the bandage is removed - if you ankle is healed, it will feel normal, otherwise you'll feel that ankle is weak and not healed - and can't take the normal strains...

    Not doing the immediate treatment needed - some people have to rest for the full month, and can't use their ankle at all...

  3. i would tell the coaches/coach that u sprained ur ankle and to try ur best in the tryouts and to rest ur ankle also.

  4. That RICE stuff is for treating it after the initial injury.

    You need to decide how badly your ankle is hurt. When I roll my ankle and I think it is minor, with only some swelling and pain, I treat it with RICE first. Then as soon as I can I begin to work on strengthening it again.

    It is important to get the strength back. So if the injury is not to bad, I recommend you start doing ankle rotations and writing the alphabet in the air with your toes.

    I rolled my ankle last month and I had the fastest recovery I have ever had by first icing and elevating for the first night, and then beginning to slowly work on it's strength for the next few days.

    If you ONLY rest it, don't expect it to be back to normal soon. That is for more serious things like torn ligaments and tendons.

    When or if you do go to tryouts, make sure you get taped and warm up slowly and thoroughly with that ankle. Ok, good luck.

  5. Rest the ankle.  Let the coaches think what they want to think.  You health comes first.  When volleyball is all said and done, you'd still have to live with a bum ankle if you don't take care of it.  Worse yet, when you get older it is painful.

  6. Four things you can do.

    1. Rest (rest will improve the healing rate)

    2. Advil (Advil is an anti-inflammatory and should help the swelling go down)

    3. Ice (Ice will numb the pain and keep swelling down)

    4. Limit movement (Promotes faster healing)

  7. it really comes down to your position with your team....i ve played in highschool and im playing in college and i have jacked my ankles up......If you are a returning varsity or should not have to worry....but if your competing for a position or a starting dose not hurt to show some heart.

    My Full Proof Ankle restoration plan

    Before practice/games

    -ankle stretching/loosening

    -taping by professional

    -active ankle or ankle brace (recommended)

    Off the Court


    -Anti Inflamitory pills

    -ankle strengthening exercises

    it really comes down to how you feel when you start warming up,  if you have talent and something to bring to the game, your coaches (if they are intelligent) should not let play.  My coaches in high school and now in college do not let players play injured.  Good Luck though

  8. you need a good tape job with an active ankle if u feel that you can go.  Believe me if u tell the coach they will appreciate that u told them.

  9. you really need to go see an orthopaedic doctor that way they can tell you what exactly is wrong and what yoiu need to do to recover. Two months ago i had a really bad ankle injury and still cant play for a couple of months and have to work with a physical therapist so my advice for you is to go get your ankle checked out and tell your coaches, they will understand. You dont want to make it worse in the long run and not be able to play again. But in the meanwhile keep your ankle elevated and ice it every hour for twenty mins and take anti-inflamatory meds which you can get from an orthopaedic doctor or your regular doctor. hope this helped and hope you feel better GooD LucK!!! :) you can contact me if you need any more advice on volleyball, or injuries ive had enough of those. lol

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