
Spray Painting Trouble!!! HELP!?

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I tried spray painting a metal sign (galvanized steel) with white paint spray paint ( Rustoleum). I needed to have black letters spray painted on it so I waited about 50 hours for the white paint to dry and when i put black on it the white paint started rising and cracking. Did i not wait long enough or am I doing anything wrong? I need to finish this project and it is killing me. Thanks




  1. It seems that you have attempted to put paint over paint without prepping the initial surface. The same material or chemical in the black paint that keeps it in a liquid form is now causing the "dried" white paint to revert back into a liquid again, thus causing cracks, bubbles or peeling. The proper way to solve this is to remove ALL paint from the metal, either with a chemical paint remover or by mechanical means, prime the initial surface so that the white paint bonds to the metal and then apply your black paint. DO NOT allow any moisture to come in contact with the metal during painting or drying. IE do not leave the metal out over night to dry thus allowing condensation to ruin the drying process.

  2. no jays fan is only saying to use a good primer he is right he just had a typo after the primer then paint it white then paint it black and it should be ok also it sounds as if it may have been humid or raining when you did this you should wait til you have a cou;le of dry days to do this

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