
Spray cans & markers?

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The metallic thing inside a spray can, the thing you hear when you shake it and in some markers...what is that and what is it's purpose?




  1. That's so you can tell how much paint is left in it. It makes less noise when it has less paint.

  2. It is a metal, glass or plastic ball called a PEA inside of the can, which is used to stir (mix) the paint without touching it.

  3. It is like a small marble.  It is meant to mix up the contents like stirring a gallon of paint before you use it.

  4. Jennifer is dead on!

  5. i think its to thin out the liquid inside

  6. to shake up the paint inside?

  7. its there to keep the fluid in it flowing so that when you press the button to let it spray it will come out easier (:
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