
Spray paint desktop computer?

by  |  earlier

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What is the best way to go about spray painting my desktop computer (outside of coarse). What should I do or what kind of paint should I use If I want that glossy shiny new look. Thanks




  1. Being that you are asking, means you have no idea what is involved.  You are not gonna get what you desire.  It is gonna look like a computer you painted.  In other words "Tacky"

  2. ok here ya go. Split the computer in half if that is the way your computer opens up, and take  masking tape and tape off any and all of the buttons, vents, and dials, so that the paint does not get into them AT ALL. be sure to unplug the computer also. It is best to take the computer outside for painting because of the fumes and such.

    Go to a hard ware store and select the high gloss paint that you like, (1 can should do it).

    Now start painting the outside of the computer from the top to the bottom, by spraying side by side from one end to the other. it is very important to not spray too much at one time to avoid drips, runs and a sloppy look.

    Remember this should take several coats of paint, so give each coat at least a 1/2 hour to hour to dry before the next coat. By doing this you will avoid the runs, drips and all of the other nastys. Paint one side at a time aslo. Make sure that you only paint in side by side motion, I.E. do not paint up and down and then side to side as this will make it look pretty lame.

    Good Luck







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