
Spray paint for gundam models?

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Hi i want to paint my gundam and some people tell me spray painting is easiest out of all other options so i want to giv it a try. I'm a noob at painting gundams and i live in England - there are so few model shops around here.

Can someone please tell me a website which i can buy gundam spray paint and gundam markers please. I already bought a master grade destiny extreme burst mode gundam, its sitting right next to me waiting to be spray painted. Thanks

I live in UK so i need a website that ships to england . I found a couple of websites which sells gundam spray paint etc but they only ship to US.




  1. As the person stated above, you don't need to use Gundam paint specifically.  At the end of the day, paint is paint and you can save a whole lot of money (shipping costs) just buying regular flat or gloss coated spray paint at the local hobby store or even in somewhere like the DIY stores here in the UK.  I like the flat/matte look on my models, so that's what I go for.  The Gundam paint is way over hyped.  If you truly want Gundam paint, buy Testors or any brand spray paint and print off some gundam pictures and  stick them on the can...POOF!!! have gundam spray paint.  I've been doing Gundam Models for about 5 years now and I've rarely used the "offical" Gundam paint.  You have a very nice kit there.  Just remember that paint is paint and it's up to you to "design your own gundam".  Good luck on the build.

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