
Spread limit Texas Hold'em ($5-$200). Blinds are 2-3-5.?

by  |  earlier

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You open with K, 8 clubs. There are five players into the flop for a pot of $25. The flop is A(club), 8 (diamond), 3 (club). You bet $20 on the flop and get three callers.

The turn card is a K, giving you two pairs. You are in second position with $160. The first player with about the same amount of chips checks to you. The remaining players have the same or more amount of chips than you. Nobody is on tilt and they are each of average ability in poker.

How much should you bet if you are going to bet your two pair and nut flush draw?




  1. I would bet half the pot on this one

  2. me i would go all in(or the limit) you want to push them of there hand.  you want to appear strong becaus e if the club doesn't come on the could be beat with a higher 2 pair or trips

  3. Well, the odds are that you have the best hand at the start of this hand, and you have a good chance of improving on the river to the stone cold nuts.  Betting out on the flop helped conceal the strength of your hand, and your opponents will be forced to put you on a number of hands.  You're probably up against a pair of Aces and very possibly another player with a club flush draw.  The pot is $105 at his point, and considering you had three callers into a $45/65/85 pot, the King probably won't scare them off.  I'd try a $50 bet here, hoping for three more calls; a club on the river will pay off handsomely, because you will see a raise after betting out after the final card is dealt.  The callers will have a minimum of 3-1 for their money, and if they called with worse odds, you'll probably see some more calls here.

    However, a check on the turn isn't a terrible play; you could try to appear nervous, like you got caught making a continuation bet on the flop.  You're gambling that one of your callers will bet out on the turn, and at this point, you can check-raise, representing your strong hand or just flat call to represent a drawing hand.  This works better against tighter players; however, in your scenario, I recommend betting on the turn.

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