
Springboks Chiliboy Ralepelle, Bjorn Basson cleared of doping charges

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Springboks Chiliboy Ralepelle, Bjorn Basson cleared of doping charges
Springbok dope case duo Chiliboy Ralepelle and Bjorn Basson, both were cleared off the charges today by SARU (South African Rugby Union). The duo is now free to play for their respective clubs and teams according to the schedule. Hooker Ralepelle and wing
Basson were tested positive in November during a dope test and were suspended under the suspicion of using a banned stimulant methylhexaneamine.
According to SARU statement, a committee of doctor and two lawyers found methylhexaneamine in a supplement provided to South African teams prior to a test in Dublin against Ireland.
Ralepelle was already confident about his case and was delighted to know about the outcome. He said, “Finally the facts are out there and people can see that we are not guilty and are not doping cheats.”
Adding to his statement he was giving to the press he informed that he and his colleague were doing what majority of professional and elite rugby players around the world do. “Bjorn and I were the unlucky ones to be tested and had to go through the trauma
of the past two and a half months.” he added.
After this development in November, Springbok’s management instantly ceased the supply of all such supplements and started an inquiry regarding the issue. The results of the inquiry proved that it wasn’t the fault of players; instead it was an overlooked
medication which was given to the squad that had the prohibited drug.
The Judicial Committee from South African Rugby Union that supervised and judged the case, compromised of Dr George van Dugteren, advocate Rob Stelzner and Jannie Lubbe.
As expected and predicted by Bulls coach Frans Ludeke, the South African duo made it through without any charges proved and will be playing for his side in the upcoming Super 15 season. The outcome has frees Ralepelle and Basson to play for Northern Bulls
and even opened the doors of Springbok’s World Cup squad on them.
The drug that was detected in the medications is actually an ingredient of a supplement manufactured by USN and was given to the South African team just before the test and in the interval as well. The product/medication is known as Anabolic Nitro Nitric
Oxide Extreme Energy Surge. This USN product was introduced to Springboks in early 2010 tour for Tri Nations against Australia and New Zealand.
USN benefits from its high contour in South African rugby. It has sponsored numerous clubs and events. Northern Bulls and Pierre Spies are a part of the list that is sponsored by USN. It has a reputation of marketing its players, brands and clubs very aggressively
It was majorly because of the fat share of USN in Springbok’s rugby the responsible factors weren’t charged or even accused. Serious actions could have been resulted otherwise.
Positive tests usually mean a 2 year suspension for a first offence, but case was successfully argued by advocate Attie Heyns. He insisted that according to World Anti Doping Agency MHA is relegated to non specified stimulant; instead MHA should be taken
as a specified stimulant.
According to the regulations of International Rugby Board, this peculiarity permits a ban to be downgraded or elevated if a player can prove how an illegal drug entered his body.
Ralepelle has always been under close supervision of skipper John Smit and he was the first ever black to lead his side against Leicester two years ago. Talking about his disappointment regarding this case, he said, “I am most sorry that the players have
had to endure the stress and stigma attached to a failed dope test.”
Jurie Roux the chief executive of SARU explained it can never be a fault of a player or the team either. The medications should be thoroughly checked and revised every six months. He said, “This judgment completely nullifies any thought that either the players
or the team were accountable of any endeavor to cheat. No liability attaches to the players at all.”



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