
Springsteen: Silence Is Unpatriotic...I agree, how about you ?

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When reminded that his anti-war views, prominent on his new album, "Magic," will cause people to say he is unpatriotic -- as his critic have charged before -- Springsteen says "That's just the language of the day…the modus operandi for anybody who doesn't like somebody…criticizing where we've been or where we're going," he tells Pelley. "I believe every citizen has a stake in the course, direction of their country. That's why we vote…It's unpatriotic at any given moment to sit back and let things pass that are damaging to some place that you love so dearly and that has given me so much," says the 58-year-old musician.




  1. Here is my pledge to patriotism:

    How do we retake Marin County from the socialist insects that now infest it?

  2. I agree, but it is treason when the actions of those so called patriots are on the side of the enemy and are getting our soldiers killed.   There is a line and its been crossed too many times.

  3. Apparently Springsteen only feels that those opinions that agree with his are 'patriotic.'  And it speaks volumes that he only mentions what he has been given - but never mentions that he has never given anything back.

    Besides - what qualifies a musician to comment on national affairs?

  4. Springsteen is a leftist idiot. He was popular with the working class until he sold out to the whining class. He's done.

  5. The ACLU is out of hand, and people who disagree need to start standing up out of the shadow. They want to remove every little cross off every sign in America. When that for a fact too is freedom of speech.

  6. Mike, few famous people tell what they have given back. You would be shocked at what Springsteen has given back.  The Bible tells us to do good for others and not tell it.  I can assure you Bruce Springsteen has done more than you could possibly imagine.

  7. to nature lover.......The United States and its actions are getting our soldiers and many others killed. Isn't this unpatriotic?

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