
Sprites-Do you know anyone who is paranormal and they have seen sprites and entities?

by  |  earlier

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  1. No but I do believe in this concept......

    I was watching Ghost Trackers and, I guess this girl saw a shadow ad then heard crying freaky huh ...

    Well I know people whom died

    When my Uncle's family took a picture (His dad whom dies)

    There was like an orb by the people

    Probably something bout the camera but still

  2. i myself have seen various ghosts and spirits but anything that looks like an elf or sprite no. i cant' say i have seen them

  3. I saw 2, ah, well I would have to call them fairies, at a haunted house investigation a few months ago.  I have never seen anything like them before, except in books and movies. They were brown, a foot or so tall and were flying with what looked  like 2 sets of wings, like a dragonfly's wings.  They looked like they were inside a bubble or a sphere.  The way they flew was very much like an insect.  I was not ready for that, a ghost yes, fairies no, we don't even list them on our report sheets.  My wife says she sees them now and then.

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