
Sputnik, Mariner, Gemini,Mercury?

by  |  earlier

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I have a couple of questions

1)Who worked on each of those missions?

2)What was learned by each of these missions?

Any additions info would be great




  1. <<Sputnik, Mariner, Gemini,Mercury>>

    Things that were hurled from the ground?

    Your quetion is ill formed. Sputnik was an artificial sattelite, Mariner was an interstellar space craft, while Gemini/Mercury was the first two series of U.S. spacecraft designed to put man into earth orbit. I think my first description is the best you will get based on your question.

  2. Place your question in correct category if you want answer. Try Science & Mathematics, Astronomy, Engineering.  Since none of these spacecraft were ever cars, doubtful to be answered here.

  3. Larry, your in Aircraft,  Dipstick!

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