
Square Head drivers !?

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I'm looking for a square head driver and 3 wood. What is the best square head driver and 3 wood for a good price. I was thinking about going to Big 5. and getting a knock off. Thanks.




  1. Unquestionably the best square headed clubs on the market are Callaway - essentially they were the first to release the concept to the world. The FT-i and FT-i Low CG are popular drivers and the new squareway fairway woods are also impressive.

    Full specs and information can be found here:  --- New Zealands Golfing Community

  2. Hi Kevin . . . . I am a PGA teaching pro.  I have tried all of the various models of square head drivers and fairway woods.  I favor the Callaway clubs because of the feel and the results I get when I hit their woods.

    My suggestion to you is to visit a PGA Pro and ask him or her to let you hit the various models.  Maybe even play a round or two of golf using each club.  Then you get the feel for each club and which one fits your game the best.  As I said,  I like the Callaway models.  You may prefer another.  However, the only way to know for sure is to find your options and then try them out.  You will know then which is the best one for you and your game.

    Good Luck

  3. The callaway is the most expensive and least effective. Look into the Nike Squares. Do not buy a knock off. It will cost you money you can't get back. The nIke squares are very loud though. Nickent has a really good one if you like distance. The FTI Square way woods are the best squareway woods. The driver is not though. The woods are very good.

  4. Check out these sets:

    Adams Golf 2008 Tight Lies 1/3/5 Woods set - [ ] - $119.99

    Wilson Golf Fat Shaft 1/3/5 Woods set - [ ] - $119.99

    I'd buy one of these or a similar set as opposed to spending money on knock-offs. They might be ok, but why take the chance of getting a dog when you can get the promise of quality from Adams or Wilson (or another known brand) for almost the same price?

    Best of luck!

  5. Depends on your level of ability.  If you have a low handicap go with the Callaway.  If you are a higher handicap, go with the Sumo Squared.  Don't do a knock off.  You'll kick yourself if you do.  

  6. The only square head driver that I have been satisfied with is the Callaway FTi. I'm not a Callaway fan, but of those types of drivers, I think it's the best. Like another guy said, the NIKE type are very loud and sound funny. I love my Cobra X speed and I really like the Taylormade Burners. Good luck!  

  7. Contrary to an answer posted early, Callaway was not the first club maker to bring the square driver to market, Nike was. Even if only by a few weeks, the "swoosh" got out of the gate faster. The Nike by design is better performing club in that it has a higher MOI, which is the primary selling feature of the square drivers as the higher the MOI number, the better the factor of forgiveness. In fact, the CONS of the Callaway FTI driver in this years Golf Magazine equipment issue were that is was not at the maximum MOI factor, which the NIKE is and that it was also "too expensive". As an owner of the Nike SQ, I couldn't be happier which the purchase I made and now that it has been reduced in price by $100, it's an even greater bargain! The Callaway has been reduced in price as well by $100. BUT regardless of what my, or anyone else's opinion is here, go to your local golf reatiler and hit both on the launch monitor or test them....the club that works better for YOU is the way to go! Best of luck!

  8. i have the maxfli HL 440 cc driver and i love it

    it goes straight and as far as you can hit it

    and its was only £35

    the three would that goes with it is £30

    id imagine there both as good as each other-for the price that is

  9. Hi Kevin,

    I have been using Callaway and more than happy, all my drives go straight and my 3 wood goes miles and again straight.

    Good luck and don't wait to buy.

  10. Here's a solution that is very cost conscious, and very high quality as well. These are not knock-offs, they're a great option that not enough people are aware of.

    You can hit a demo at most any Golf Galaxy location. Don't know where you are, but hopefully you can check these out. Good luck.

    ...also, as mentioned above, I love my Cobra X Speed too.

  11. Don't limit yourself to "square head drivers and woods.  While good companies make them, and make claims about their amazing performance, ultimately it's the operator who dictates how well they strike the ball.  You have to remember that golf companies are always coming up with something new to sell to the golfing public.  I've personally never tried a square head driver, I know a couple of guys who use them and neither claim that the clubs have substantially improved their play.  Go to a good golf shop and try a variety of different drivers (including the square heads)  You might well be surprised that the one you like best is a traditional design.  Then again, maybe not.  Only you will know for sure.

  12. I don't think the square head drivers are good, there has been evidence that they don't shape shots as good as a normal driver. I use the Callaway Fusion FT-3 and I find it really good. But it's really up to you what suits you and works best. Good Luck.

    Have a good one...
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