
Square footage question?

by  |  earlier

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we are re doing. our kitchen mesurements..are 17 ft length by 11.6 ft.width. how do i get square footage i am timeing i think i am doing that wrong...17x11.6




  1. it is correct.

  2. if you want the area of the floor, and the shape of the kitchen is a rectangle, you are correct, just multiply them together.


  3. you got it...........

  4. Multiplying those two numbers will be correct as long as there are not nooks and crannies (like an alcove that the refrigerator is in or an offset  landing at the top of the stairs). If there are irregularities like those measure them separately, multiply  their LxW, and add those answers to the total.

    If you are buying flooring (tile or rolled goods) you should round the numbers up a little higher to account for waste and errors in trimming.

  5. I can only say be aware that. 11.6 ft is different with 11 ft and 6 inches.

    every ft is 12 inches.

    so 11 ft and 6 inches is 11.5 ft.

    then you can multiply them easily in case the room is square.

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