
Squawking Bird?

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I have a 2 year old tame lutino cockatiel.... Every morning, she squawks at about 8 AM.... and keeps squawking for hours... preventing me from sleeping. Is there something i can do? lol if i cover her cage, she squawks louder!




  1. blow on her it worked for me unless you think its harsh do it the harder way....put a mean face on and say "NO!"

  2. We just got a new parrotlet that is having a squawking good time over here too. Thank God I could put him down early for bed covered and in a dark room.

    I need to get to bed incase he likes the mornings like your little one oh noo. If possible could you put him in another room/like a laundry room or walk in closet that is dark, place him lower to the ground.They feel a bit more vulnerable and sometimes get quiet so a predator doesn't take notice of them. It worked for my friends lovebird, and the one we used to have had a half bath to go into at night. They both did the same behavior. A place where you can close the door and keep it away from other birds chirping might work too. Good luck it is like having a baby that has colic. I feel for ya..
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