
Squeaky key in brand new laptop.?

by  |  earlier

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I have a VAIO VGNFW11E, and my "R" squeaks/rubs against something when I press it down. It's really really annoying.




  1. as the laptop is brand new, get it sorted under warranty, should be an easy job, but even the easiest can go wrong, and if you damage the keyboard your warranty will be void.

  2. grease her up

  3. why dont you contact the seller and talk to him/her about it..

    should either fix it or replace it...

    good luck

  4. I would just get it replaced because if you spray it with a lubricant and it ruins the computer it wont be covered.(or at least that what happened to me)

  5. a bit ov wd40 should sort it  

  6. You should not have any squeaking at all, and as it is brand new I would phone up Sony and get them to replace the keyboard. We have to replace keyboards all the time at work on laptops and they only cost (Dell keyboards anyway) about £10-£15 so they should not have any issue doing that.

    Oh yeah and don't spray anything on it, no way, there will go any chance of a warranty repair.

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