
Squealing tires when braking indicates?

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a.maximun braking efficiency

b.maximum rolling friction

c.loss of braking efficiency

d.too much steering while braking




  1. c:   But..... the true answer is; you're a poor driver and aren't paying attention to traffic.

  2. None of the above. It simply means your tires cannot maintain a grip on the road surface and are skidding. It might mean that the tires are at fault, the surface is too slick, or that the speed and weight of the vehicle is simply too much for the tires and surface.

  3. I could be wrong but when I have locked up MY brakes stopping the wheels have stopped turning so the tires are just skidding which makes a squeling noise...Peace

  4. c. squelling is not efficient either in accelerating or braking. just before squeeling is where you want to be.

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