"Begad! We are dead Men!" Shouts I.
The monstrous Fiend was thrashing at the helm of the Boat, it's fearsome beak snapping, the tentacles like Prophets of Doom seeking to drag me to the Murkiness of the water and Be-Deviled eyes glaring like Old Clootie hisself!
"Leave that bloody Calamari alone, and put it back in the tank." Shouts this spazzy-ars*d Fish Monger. "You gonna buy it or what?"
"Well", I harrumph "Only a Puff calls a Squid Calamari."
I made a rude noise and gave him the Good Old British V, and went off tittering. Bloody Calamari! Or is it Calamaries, which I believe is the Anglicized variant of the Spanish Calamares?
Pi**ing Squid for short eh?