
Squiggly line in eye?

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i've got a little line in my eye that moves around whenever I look somewhere.

It normally stays directly under what i'm looking at. it can help me keep my place when i'm reading but other than that it's pretty annoying. it's not black it's kinda.. just a little squiggly blur, I can see through it.. what could it be?




  1. No need to freak, it's nothing major. I forgot the true name of it, but it's from looking at a solid color or not moving your eyes for a periond of time. When you see a "blurry line, just move your eyes in circles real quick and it goes away.

  2. I have the same thing, I have no idea what it is because I keep forgetting to tell my optomitrist...Go to the doctor though, just to be sure its not something bad

  3. if you look in the mirror at it, see if it moves like a worm...

    it could be a parasite. it is rare, but you could have something like that, especially if you traveled somewhere, or ate something that wasn't cooked properly.

    it could be solved by medication to kill off the parasite, and if that isn't the problem, than go to a doctor.

  4. Like eNorma says they are floaters and very common.  I have them from time to time. One of lifes little nuisances and you have to put up with them. They go away after a while. Check this link for more info .

  5. They're floaters. Little pieces of cells stuck in the vitreous humor inside your eye ball.
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