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Before I got my contacts I used to squint to see stuff, I have had contacts for a year now but every now-an-then I catch myself squinting..anyway to stop this?




  1. eye drops for contacts

    i use it

  2. You need a new glasses so you want squint

  3. Sounds like a habit you've gotten into.  check with your optician, you may need reading glasses.  Same thing happened to me, I found my arms needed lengthening to enable me to read...I went to my optician and he told me to get some reading glasses - it's solved my problem, I still find I squint a bit though, it's just a habit - I get my husband and friends to remind me if I do it.

  4. This is squinting as in "holding your eyes half-shut"?

    When it happens, stop and deliberately open your eyes wide  and note that your vision does not get worse. (what your subconscious mind is expecting, from past experience).  This helps lock in the idea that *things have changed* which will gradually help undermine the reflex.

    But a firm habit, like sticking the tongue out when concentrating, or twirling a strand of hair when in thought, is difficult to lose.

  5. Probably just discomfort allergies or habit, try to think about wjy you squint as you do it and go from there.

  6. Yeah..........blink a coup,e of times before u try and look at might help clear your eyes a bit...but dnt rub themm....
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