
Squirrel emergency! veterinary help needed!?

by Guest31763  |  earlier

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I found a squirrel on the side of the road with a broken leg and jaw. he hasn't eaten or drank since tuesday. he's drifting in and out of consciousness. all the veterinary clinics in my area that take wild animals are closed. what do i do?




  1. Bring him to a wildlife center.

    Look it up on the web.

    This is crucial, because you don't want the squirrel to get too used to humans.

    [they should be released into the wild later]

  2. Google "wildlife rehabilitators" and then YOUR city and state after those words.

    Example: wildlife rehabilitators lincoln nebraska

    You can also call your local animal shelter and ask their personnel for the name & number of a close rehabilitator. I'm sure someone there could at least point you in the right direction.

    You may be able to find a nearby source.  However, unless you get some water and nourishment into the little fella, he won't make it. Even with broken bones, he MUST have food and water and I'm sure with a broken jaw, he won't be able to eat much.

    Bless you for caring.

  3. if it cant eat I'm sorry it probably will die

    BUt you can try to feed it VERY slowly with a kitten feeder or some kind of tube thingy by putting mashed up bananas and powdered nuts Unsalted DUH lol until you can get it  a wildlife center but why don't you just hope in your car and drive out to the next town for there wildlife ? if it means that much to you  

  4. Get a spoon and feed him the water....or take him to a wild life place

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