
Squirrels are eating my potted hibiscus trees on my deck - leaves & flowers! What do I do to stop this?

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Squirrels are eating my potted hibiscus trees on my deck - leaves & flowers! What do I do to stop this?




  1. just buy a bebe gun and just shoot at them it will work

  2. You need to take action and FAST! Drape a light-weight, fine-mesh tent over your pots--just temporarily. Green camping tents are available at R.E.I. for $12 and can be cut to size. You need to discourage those clever squirrels with negative reinforcement (just like with a dog).  You can also try the commercial animal repellent sprays but don't spray it on the hibiscus, itself, because it may brown the leaves. Spray on and around the pots.  The product that I have found to have some success with is called Get Away--an animal repellent spray. It's an oil of mustard with extracts of chili and lemon mixed in. It has a very strong, lemony smell that squirrels, dogs and other critters do not like. I think that Lowe's carries it in their garden dept. but it's also available online. See below:

  3. buy a shut gun;not joking.that is how i got rid of a rabbit that was eating my vegetables

  4. Call your garden center and ask if they have squirrel repellent (it does exist and it is effective).  Or make your own.  Use spicy peppers and garlic, put em in a spray bottle let it soak for a day and spray the plants (in the evening) it won't harm the plants but the squirrels don't like it.  

  5. Get a dog.

  6. I had the same problem! I put peanuts out for them and that didn't work! I sprinkled garlic and onions everywhere. I had got these ideas from a garden site. Anyway, what ended up working for me was human hair. I was hesitant about trying it, but I was tired of the squirrels. When I went and got my hair cut I asked my hairdresser for a bag of hair that had been sweep up. still not wanting to, I put on gloves and put hair in the soil around my plants. I saw that hair had been pulled up once, but never saw the squirrels again!

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