
Sreesanth is now much better after the Slap ?? Isn't it?

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u seen the attitude the sreesanth after being slapped ?? Now he has stopped his acting and calmed down his aggression and also he is performing much better than before I think this whole slapping issue made these good changes in him


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  1. Yes. He was so aggressive with the foreign players in a test series. He purposefully dashed a batsmen. Often showed his angriness over him.(I dont remember which test series it is). Also apart from bowling ,the only thing which he is supposed to do, he does all these nonsensical acts including dance steps. Now ,however, harbhajan gave his act a good "full stop". May be we should use harbhajan to make Sreesanth play/bowl well. Often he should be reminded of harbhajan ,otherwise we cannot expect sreesanth to take good wickets.

  2. yes

  3. yupp,its good that such moments became beneficial for somebody........................

    theirs actually a gr8 change in him,bowling well,keepin' his cool,less aggression & now a gr8 sight to watch........

  4. Maybe he should show his other cheek too.

  5. Yes, at least now he is behaving properly

  6. He has improved tremendously. Now, someone should slap Yuvraj Singh and Dhoni for the same effect.

  7. Yes i am glad you think so..

    I doubt he really is feeling better,it Will take a long time for Sreesanth to get over the big bully Harbajhan's vicious actions towards him...

    I suppose we all shall see just how over it he really is when you play your tri series again as an Indian team...


  9. ya some what i agree with u mate  but it happens with indian players remember the t20 world cup?? when yuvraj smashed 6 sixes in an over before that  an english player had abused him and also the CB series where the indians were treated very badly still they won but his performence according to me has not improved in the first 6 overs all the batsmen try to get quick runs and in the process lose their wickets that is why he is the second highest wicket taker in the IPL

  10. Sreesanth is much better after being slapped. he is now trying to cencentrate on his bolwing. he is trying to calm down after taking wickets. I think he is the 2nd highest wicket taker in IPL. One advice for Sreesanth----don't leave ur aggression coz it necessery for cricket not for IPL.

  11. yes you r right he was not getting his line and length correctly he should thank harbhajan singh .thanks bhaji

  12. Yes now he is at ground zero. Earlier he was showing his aggression tooo  much. Just like a joker. I know one thing that if u dare to show eyes to somebody than u should also be ready if somebody shows u eyes u should bear it and not by weeping. Its easy to show ur anger but it is not easy to bear somebody else's anger. Now one should ask him  where his aggression is. Earlier he used to say in interviews that whenever he enters grund it comes naturally in him. With the strong hitting of the BCCI on both players there mind must have set properly. Now Sree respects other players on grd. HA HA HA.

    These Crickters are just like monkeys with the stick in Boards hand.

  13. yeah right Lol~

  14. just wait for international odi to start u will see him in his through clr. "Bandar kitna bhi thapad kha layy gulantie marna nahi chodeagga"

    Don't take me as a racist.

  15. One Tight Slap is all it took to turn a lion into a lamb. He has no choice or he will be banned also. Somehow an aggro Sreesanth seemed better than the docile fella he now looks.

  16. yes, u r right.

  17. true ,checked out the youngistaan ad??

  18. He was in tears (literally crying) after it.

    Is this post in some way trying to say what Singh done was a good thing!?! Youve got to be kidding me! For god sake, in the eyes of some people he can do no wrong. Would you be saying it was a good thing if it was Symonds that slapped him. I think not, youd be crying blue murder.

    Singhs new nick name should be Midas, everthing he touches turns to gold ( please note this is stated in an extremelly sarcastic tone)

  19. yes but wih sreesanth , harbajen is more better

  20. yes he is much better now but still he is showing attitude but he is performing better nowadays.

  21. yes he is performing well but he is showing his attitude still

  22. i think he deserved to be get slapped and now he has been improving.

  23. His form has improved a lot but his atttitude hasn't.  He is still showing those irritating gestures.  He even showed this while bowling to Ganguly in the last match at Kolkata.  Now I have understood why he was slapped by Bhajji.  He is simply untolerable.

  24. I think now Sree has become more focused! He is bowling well and he is getting wickets! We all see him as much more calm person.....i think the slap helped him to controll his aggression! The slap was a boon in we can see a better sreeshant!

  25. Sreesanth has a lot more  to change in his attitude even after the slap but for sure he is set some what better than what he was previously ,He has already proved to be a very good bowler that doesn't mean that he is the king of Indian cricket if he changes his attitude then he will be a great cricketer that every Indian loves!!!

  26. Yeah but he is not feeling much about that incident

  27. The punishment awarded to Harbhajan Singh  and the financial loss to him, has forced Sreesanth  to change his attitude.

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