
St. Augustine Question --?

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Our yard is watered, fertilized (with Miracle Grow) but it still has areas that are "light green" in areas. Why is this happening? We water and feed it all the time. Do I need something? Or Do I need to DO something?

Help before our yard dies!!!





  1. Mabye a fungus?  St. Augustine and other warm-season grasses are very agressive.  If not maintained properly (annual dethatching) they can get puffy with a ton of decaying organic matter underneath the green tufts.  

    First, see if it might be lacking water in those areas by using your shovel to dig up an area (to 6").  If the soil moisture seems adequate, then try some granular fertilizer.  I'm afraid miracle gro isn't going to give you enough Nitrogen to kick that turf into high gear.

    You can go with something as inexpensive as ammonium sulfate (just make sure you water in well).

    Good Luck

  2. It should be looked at by a pro, Get a landscaper to come give you a free estimate on a new bush bed and possible gazebo, and while they are there, ask about what would cause this area to be like it is, Don't miss lead the guy, just tell them you are thinking of doing this job and haven't made any commitments you will know what to do.

  3. It might be a different kind of grass.

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