
St Ives Skicnare products?

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Ive heard that

St Ives

Apricot Srub for sensitive skin works

I Just did the skin Quiz on their Website t hey said it was good for m ??

Has it worked for you I Dont have Any pimples just my face gets red all the time because my skin is really pale and sensitive.

Has the scrub worked for you and do yo use it once a week or everyday.




  1. I use many different face washes and St. Ives Apricot Scrubs is definetly one of my favorites. I use it twice every day (once in the morning, once at night) It refreshes my skin, gets rid of blemishes, and smells great. Hope I helped! :)

  2. You should be careful with your beautiful, sensitive skin.  Not all products are the same, and even if they say "for sensitive skin," some are better than others.  If you've tried this particular St. Ives scrub and it's still too harsh, maybe you should try Neutrogena, or something that is over-the-counter but recommended by dermatologists. And, always be suspicious of quizzes on a company's website that tell you their product is best for you.  They are in this to make money.  Experiment a little. ;  )

    Don't scrub too hard, and maybe you shouldn't use a scrub everyday.  You may only need to exfoliate once a week, or twice a week.  And girl, be sure you are moisturizing!  So many people skip this step because they think they don't need it.  Even people with the oiliest skin need to moisturize. :  )

    Try using sunscreen under your make-up to protect your pale skin, too.  

    I know, a lot of rules, but trust me on this.  I have been pale my whole life and have had oily skin issues AND dry skin issues . . . and I've always been sensitive to some of the stronger stuff sold in the stores.

    Good luck, and take care of that fair skin!

  3. It works like magic!

  4. I LOVE IT!!! and i use it everyday when i take a shower

  5. i love the St Ives products I use all of them ,i use the scrub every three days it works really well but for you sense you are not using it for pimples Id say once a week

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