
St Johns Wort good for depression?

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has anyone used St Johns wort to help them with depresssion? Did it work?




  1. i would say prozac the best.  

  2. Hi there, St Johns Wort is known as natures Prozac. However if you are taking any prescribed medication for depression St Johns Wort WILL MAKE YOU FEEL WORSE, not better.

    If you feel depressed and have never spoken with your Doctor about it, try and get along to see them, there may be reasons why you feel as you do that can be helped by talking about them.

    Self medicating is not good, seek professional help or talk things through with a parent, partner or good friend.  

  3. If you use it, remember that it renders the pill useless.

  4. It works for me, but not for everyone.  And remember, being an herbal supplement, it can take weeks for St. Johns Wort to be at full strength compared to antidepressants.  I have figured out my body pretty well and I know that I'm at my worst during winter. So I usually start taking the supplement mid-autumn and continue through early spring.  It doesn't get rid of the depression, but mellows out the emotions so I can figure out if they're rational emotions or if they're only caused by the depression.  I can then react accordingly.  I have only taken St. Johns Wort to control my depression for the past 6 years.

  5. St. John's Wort is an herb.  There are no guidelines or tests.  You'll never know what dose you are taking.  I am very wary of herbs, plants, etc., and untested substances to treat depression.

    It's best to go to your doc and talk about your depression.  You'll receive a diagnosis and it will be determined if you need talk therapy or medication.  

    It's your health.  It's important.  I recommend not to self-medicate.  It can be dangerous.  

    Go to your doc and feel better.  

  6. Yes, and yes. Ask yourself: "Why do I feel depressed, and when did I first start to feel this way: can I associate this with any recent change in my life?" (if so, it is probably situational depression: counselling, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is indicated). Or, was it a more gradual thing, with no apparent cause? (nutritional deficiencies, hypothyroidism, environmental toxicity, or reactions to some medications, etc., becomes more likely as the cause).

    Antidepressants work quicker than the following; 2 - 6 weeks, but you may have to adjust dosage, or types, whereas St. John's wort is effective for most people, tolerance doesn't develop, and the few side effects don't occur often, and even then are normally not severe.

    It doesn't cause sleeping problems, or weight change, but usually takes at least 2, and generally 4 - 6 weeks to become effective. A recent, independent German double blind study showed it to be as effective as Sertraline (marketed in the USA as Zoloft: a commonly prescribed antidepressant) in cases of major depression, with far fewer side effects, and those were generally better tolerated, with a lower rate of discontinuation. Unlike antidepressants, where sexual dysfunction is a common side effect, it happens much more rarely with St. John's wort (I have noticed no effect in this area).

    Remember back to a time when life was full of promise, or a day when you felt particularly good, or possibly excited from a good result. Emotional states are associated with memories, and if it isn't major depression, this method can help.

    A multidimensional approach to treating depression without medication follows. All except for no. (7.) are safe to use with medication, but not St. John's wort, because of interactions, and it's sensible to check out anything else first with your doctor.

    (1.) Take 4 Omega 3 fish oil supplements, daily: (certified free of mercury) it is best if consumed with an antioxidant, such as an orange, or grapefruit, or their FRESHLY SQUEEZED juice. If vitamin E is added, it should be certified as being 100% from natural sources, or it may be synthetic: avoid it. Also take a vitamin B complex which is certified as being 100% of natural origin; a deficiency in vitamin B9 (folic acid, or folate) is known to cause depression. Around 30% - 40% of depressed people have low vitamin B12 levels. Depressed females using the contraceptive pill may benefit from vitamin B6 supplements. ~~~ (2.) Work up slowly to at least 20 minutes minutes of exercise, daily, or 30 - 60 mns, 5 times weekly. Too much exercise can cause stress, which isn't wanted when dealing with depression. ~~~ (3.) Occupational therapy (keeping busy allows little time for unproductive introspection, and keeps mental activity out of less desirable areas of the brain).

    (4.) Use daily, a relaxation method* and/or yoga*, and/or Tai Chi. ~~~ (5.) Initially, at least, some form of counselling, preferably either Cognitive Behavio(u)ral Therapy, or Rational Emotive Behavio(u)ral Therapy. ~~~ (6.) Maintain a mood chart, and daily activities schedule. ~~~ (7.) As options, if desired, either a known, effective herbal remedy, such as St. John's wort, (the strength varies, but the supplier should be using a standardised hypericin content, so follow the directions) or supplements, such as SAMe, or Inositol (from vitamin and health food stores, some supermarkets, or mail order: view section 55).

    If 5HTP is used to boost serotonin levels, (which are low in depressed people) it is best taken with a high carbohydrate, minimal protein meal, like pasta with tomato & basil, and avoid protein for 90 minutes, before, and after, to maximise the amount crossing the blood/brain barrier.

    Also, 80% of people in the Western world have low magnesium levels, and these are known to cause depression & anxiety. Try the magnesium supplement types shown in Some of these will be available in pharmacies, or supermarkets. Low levels of calcium, and potassium can also cause depression. Have your blood tested, and correct any deficiencies, preferably through improved nutrition.

    An improvement can be noticed in as little as a week, if a deficiency is the cause. Also, iodised salt is much preferable to regular salt (one of the treatments in books on depression is iodine drops). Try to imagine, as vividly as possible, a time in the not too distant future, when you have overcome this temporary setback, and things are much better. *View section 2, (see the websites on the wort in the 1st 3 pages) on the first 3 pages, and also pages R, C, I, and section 11, at

  7. It's apparently very good but shouldn't be used at the same time as other antidepressant pharmaceuticals. Since I've always used conventional medicine, I've never tried it. I'm a strong believer in science. Why d**k about with herbs and bits of root when chemists have spent so much time and effort and money developing meds?

  8. Yes, it's very good for depression, and its natural,

    without having any side effects

    like most pharmaceutical scribed anti-depressants


    You also, do not have a problem with trying to stop

    taking it, as you do with the other scribed meds.

    But, unfortunately, you also won't be eligible for maybe,

    any lawsuits in the future, like what happens with many

    of the scribed drugs that they find out about years later!  

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