
St. Laurens's tears-time?

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(I just saw a broadcasted story on my local PBS station mentioning the Perseid meteor shower (St. Laurens's tears.) This meteor shower is reported to be viewable every August 10 (the report mentioned that this year's *best viewing* should be Aug 12.) This report mentioned 01:30 A.M. as best viewing time. What time ZONE is this?

The report mentioned a FLORIDA publisher.

Would this be 12:30 A.M. Central time or does this best-viewing-window change w. each location-view of this meteor shower (each location's 01:30-best-darkness view)?

I live in a dark-spot, so I should have a clear view of this annual showing.

Thanks for correct feedback.




  1. I was wondering this myself, and then I thought about it and realized it doesn't matter . The most important thing is to get out away from city (any artificial) lights.

  2. The intrinsic number of meteors per hour doesn't change very much over a day or two so the 'best' time given for any location refers to the most favourable local conditions and is therefore local time. The radiant point of the meteor shower rises higher in the sky as the night progresses and the moon should have set by 1.30 a.m. so this time could be considered to be the beginning of the most favourable period. There should still be plenty of meteors visible before midnight, however.

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