
Staff @ daughters learning center (not public school) not polite, enthusiastic .. not even in the morning!?

by Guest32461  |  earlier

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My 4 y/o daughter goes to a learning academy center. It's almost like a day-care cause they have infants-preschoolers-afterschoolers.

When I 1st enrolled her in December I had problems because I knew her teacher from HighSchool & there were problems in HS. But soon I found out that she was a great teacher to my daughter & things were ok.

Every day I'd get there at different hours to sneak up on them & sure enough she was always reading to the kids or working on an activity -very attentive.

Then she put in a 2 wk notice & the director (ghetto!) fired her for that!

Ever since then (4 weeks ago) things have been a MESS! they have not found a new teacher & instead they made the teacher who watched was over the toddlers to watch over 2-5 yr olds and a total of FIFETEEN-TWENTY kids... & then yesterday she told me that she watched 15-20 toddler/preschoolers PLUS had to run back and forth to watch the babies (infant-24 months olds)

Only ONE other teacher showed up, & the director




  1. Wow! This is rediculous! The facility shouldn't even be operating at the moment. You need to realize that there are major liabilities here. I know you say you don't really have a choice, but you should snatch your daughter out of there so fast. Terrible things happen well-staffed daycare centers, let alone understaffed centers. I have had my own certification in early childhood development and I know that states have strict ratio requirements. You need to report this to someone; it is your duty. It is so important for you to protect your child as well as other., I know how hard it is to find a good childcare facility, and sit through 9 months on the waiting list.  I wish you the best of luck

  2. They need to hire a temporary teacher until they find another one. What they are doing could make them lose their license and is not a safe situation for your daughter. Talk to the director and tell her you are concerned about how one teacher can meet the needs of all the students. The ratio here in california is 12 students to 1 teacher. Most "good" preschool have 8 students to 1 adult.

  3. iam a preschool teacher and i know how hard it is to fined good staff, but what you are telling us is crazy and i would get my kid out of their because the situation is an accident waiting to happen and you don't want your child to be their. don't worry about your child adjusting at the new school because children adjust to new situations much better and faster than we do.

  4. I've worked in daycares in Alberta Canada and there are strict limits on child/staff ratio's and there is no way a single teacher is allowed 15 - 20 children.

    Sounds like the director messed up big time. The daycares I worked in always had a floater, an extra staff member who could go where needed or a list of emergency staff who could be called in when someone quit or called in sick.

    I suspect this facility lost a very good teacher because of the type of problems you are now seeing. I think if I was you I'd start looking for a new place for my child. 4 weeks is a long time to still be understaffed, are they even advertising? I'd be concerned.

  5. You need to report them to state licensing.  There are laws about child to adult ratios.  There are also certain requirements that adults have to have to be alone with children (group leader or assistant director).  

    If all else fells, switch preschools.

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