
Staffordshire were i live why does it end in shire .etc <span title="derby-shire-worcester-shire-gloucester-shire.meaning?">derby-shire-worcester-s**+...</span>

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Staffordshire were i live why does it end in shire .etc derby-shire-worcester-s**+...




  1. It&#039;s was shire (territory) belonging to the Earl of Stafford.

  2. shire means  s.h.i.t    so thats why i guess

  3. A quick trip to Wikipedia reveals the following:

    &quot;A shire is an administrative division of Great Britain and Australia. The first shires were created by the Anglo-Saxons in what is now central and southern England. Shires were controlled by a royal official known as a &quot;shire reeve&quot; or sheriff. Historically shires were sub-divided into hundreds or wapentakes although other less common sub-divisions existed. In modern English usage shires are sub-divided into districts.&quot;

    The full article is linked below.

  4. Shire is a county, i come from Glamorganshire

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