
Stage fright/ nervousness?

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I am a sophomore at a high school and in every class i get really nervous. when i have to present something i turn red my whole face this has happened every time i get nervous, sometimes even when i say hi to my friends i turn red. then i feel a shutter in my whole body. what can i do or is their any otc drug that i can take to calm my nerves?




  1. OMG, man, are you serious? What makes you so nervous when you're just saying hi to your friends? Next time, say this "They're my friends, why would I be nervous?" to yourself. But, the most important thing is; Breathe. When you get to present something in front of the class or something, inhale, exhale, and imagine that the place you're standing is your most favorite place on Earth. Hey, I'm the type of girl who is nervous before going in front of people. Really nervous. But then again, last month, I talk in front of 500 people at school, as a spokesperson for my friend who is a candidate for a student council prez. At first my knees are shaking and stuff, but it gets better every minute. And for a few minutes I was there, it was fun.

  2. dude! you sound desparate! NO NO NO to otc drugs for nerves (there arent any anyway!).  

    you are painfully shy, it sounds.  the only way to fix it is to experience so much of it (stage and ppl) that it doesnt bug you any more.  Until then, you should know that we unshy ppl see red faces ALL THE TIME and know it's normal. we dont think it's funny and nobody makes fun of it, at least not until we know you can take it, seriously.  remember that what you say in front of ppl is FOR THEM and it's NOT ABOUT YOU.  the more you realize this, the better you get.  presentations, plays, etc are FOR the audience, no for you.  you just happen to be up there.  it could be anybody, so keep your mind trained to THEIR needs and you'll cool down quite a bit. focus on giving THEM what they need.

    also, you can play on your red face.  as soon as it come up, point at it and tell whoever's there, "look! your perversion is making me blush! would you please control yourself!" it's easy, and as soon as they laugh, it's like a cood splash of water on your face. TRUST ME!

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