
Stage kissing? is it a real kiss ? i have to do a stage kiss and i was wondering if it is like a real kiss??

by  |  earlier

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i no that lol i just ment like...some people do a fake kiss but do most do that or have an actual kiss lol?




  1. Real, FUN!!! :-)

  2.    No offense, but kind of an odd Q. Define Real, or Actual?

       If a mother kisses a child is that real? If a father kisses a daughter, is that real?

       A stage kiss is a Kiss, period. It's called ACTING for a very specific reason. In the context of acting, don't we as an audience what to Believe what we see?

  3. stage kisses are fake and dont mean anything , if you kiss the guy again after the performance is over that is a real kiss and totally different

  4. it depends...

    If you both enjoy it...

    It's real.

    "You must remember this - A kiss is just a kiss".

  5. Yes you usually have to touch lips!  Don't forget though, it is not you kissing a boy, it is your character kissing another character, so only means something in the context of the play, not in real life.

  6. It depends on the situation, but mostly (at least, the times I've done it!) we've sort of pressed our lips get a bit graphic, it's generally no tongues and all lips. Not sure if you'd define that as fake or real though!

    Oh, and if in doubt, just ask the director!

  7. It depends.  There are ways and means to fake it, but generally (particularly if the audience is close to the stage) you do have to kiss the other actor.

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