
Staining an Oak bathroom Lowes Vanity?

by Guest67109  |  earlier

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so you know those boxed sink w/ vanitie that the lowes and Home depot sells. Most of the standard ones are either white or a light oak.

Has anyone ever painted or stained the oak one a different color to match their bathroom a little better. Like a darker cherry vs. the light oak that you buy it as ?

Was wondering if this could be done, or a good idea, would I have to prime it first, I mean it is wood, it should be able to absorb and accept a good quality wood stain, right ?




  1. If the vanity has a factory finish on it, you will not be able to restain it without a lot of difficulty.  The polyurethane finish will not let the stain penetrate the wood.  You can use a bonding primer and then a top coat of paint.  If you want to stain your own, you should check into buying an unfinished vanity.

    God Luck

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