
Stamina question?

by  |  earlier

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i was wondering if someone was skinny but had a good stamina would they get a better stamina if they put on some weight? thanks for your time everyone!




  1. I agree with previous answer. Remember, when trying to improve stamina, your muscles will grow stronger (i.e. lungs, legs etc).  Best way to improve stamina is to increase your mileage (running, cycling etc). Also, strength training is a great way to help your stamina. Hope this helps.

  2. It depends. If they gain muscle than they will but if they eat junk to gain weight then they will slow down.

  3. It depends.  If they gain fat, their legs will have a harder time carrying the body.  However, if they gain weight because their muscles in their legs got stronger, then they may have more stamina as they are able to carry their body a farther distance.  If they improve their upper body muscles like their arms and gained weight there, they could have a bit harder time running as there arms don't do much for you while you run.  

    I'm not 100% sure but i believe this to be a reasonable guess.

    (***Note: Stamina can also have something to do with how you breath***)

  4. NO! Have you seen those marathon runners that win?!? They don't look human they're so skinny so I would think adding weight wouldn't help.
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