
Stamping Napkins but ink keeps running?

by  |  earlier

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me and my fiance bought a self inking stamp that says our names and i want to stamp them on the napkins, well i have been trying it and once they dry, the ink like runs and you cant even read waht the names are. is there a way to make it stay the way it looks when you first stamp it? has anyone done this, or anyone try it and it never did work? orr.. i tried blow drying it after i stamped it to make it dry quicker, but it still didnt work. any suggestions would be great. thanks!




  1. I'm having the same problem. I used StazOn ink. I know it doesn't run once it gets wet, but it is bleeding enough to blur the names. I'm stamping on paper napkins, not fabric. I'm not sure if it's due to the small size of the font on the stamp or what. Any suggestions ?

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