
Stan Romanek's alien video.?

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Is there a link to the ENTIRE 3 minute video footage? Or has he not released that to the public yet? I've seen the 22 second video footage, so please don't give me a link to that.




  1. Here is a link that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the video is REAL.

    search for;

    Jurassic Park

    Pirates of the Caribbean

    Hollow man


    Any of those should prove to you non believers that these things CAN NOT be created with computers.

  2. The REAL video has not been released yet, the 3 min version you are speaking of is a fake. It was created by Matthew Baxter, an investigator for the Rocky Mountain Paranormail Research Society. He admitted creating this fake for $90 on Larry King. The REAL video has not been released to the public yet. It apparently has much more realistic alien features that have been said to be too expensive to re-create. the real video has a reflection of a back wall in the window with the aliens head half over the reflection. also a rack/table sits to the left of the window. Dont be fooled by a coward afraid of the public knowing the truth, just wait, the real vid will come out soon.

  3. The Real Jeff Peckman Alien Video -Best Quality

  4. The footage has not been released yet. I believe in the existence of aliens. but I will need to see all the tape before reaching a conclusion of my own. My gut feeling is this is a sham, but who knows?

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