
Stand before God one day?

by Guest60805  |  earlier

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One day every knee and head shall bow to God. Everyone will have to stand in front of him. What are the people going to say when they are standing there and realize that they were told about this and refused to listen to the truth?




  1. I fear not of God. I have the Buddha and Ganesh on my side.

  2. "Some proof or even just a little evidence would have been nice. If we were to go around believing in every conman we encountered we'd be bankrupted in no time". Something like that.

  3. Well. It a difficult question to answer. Why not I tell you than when we are there.

    But don't think this will happen because if we are not believer, we still stand in front of the god?

    If yes, we still see the god whether or not we believe in him than purpose of yours believe?

    I Just cannot understand??

  4. Here in this forum we go back and forth about God and His existence. God has promised that He will search each soul and examine the secrets of that are hidden there. If He finds that a person's decision's in life were aligned against Him, He will deal with that person accordingly.This goes beyond a persons religious affiliation or whether the person is g*y or straight, rich or poor. The field will be level and very soul will be  tested by the Spirit of Christ in the judgement.

  5. I am christian and Id ask for forgiving.

    God Bless You!

  6. I don't know, how are you going to feel when Odin asks you if you've led a proper warrior's life?

  7. How do you know this?

  8. They will be utterly ashamed and terrorized that they rejected and MOCKED The Truth of Jesus Christ and His mercy.

    Utterly, UTTERLY ashamed.

  9. It depends, different persons have different personality.

  10. Assumption of facts not in evidence.

    (Len Ben below seems a little too excited about the prospect of others' humiliation.)

  11. People aren't going to say anything because god doesn't exist and what you're talking about isn't going to happen.

  12. They will either change their minds very very quickly or ?????????? God Bless you.

  13. If it happens and I have been caught in a mistake, I would like to think that living a life that is good and being good to others is more important to God than whether I went into a certain building to listen to a person read from a certain book on a certain day, or really believed what I was told there.

  14. It has been said out loud and the truth is accessible to everyone. it is their choice weather to believe it or not. we cant force them.. then they have to say - I was told but I didn't not believed that something so impressive is really true.  

  15. I'm guessing "Oh darn." You know though, he's supposed to be "kind and forgiving." What if you die and find yourself standing before Zeus? He's not very nice.

  16. you are funny,or are you for real,wow scary how brain washed some people get

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