
Standard Grade results?

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Has anyone got their results yet using the e-mail service?

I have not yet. :( Freaking out here




  1. Not got mine yet either. Don't worry, they'll turn up eventually.

    EDIT: Arrgh! still not got mine yet =(

    EDIT 2: Woot! 6 1s and 2 2s, I'm pretty pretty happy with that =)

  2. :):):):):):):)

    Maths 1

    english 1

    computing 1

    physics 1

    technological studies 1

    CDT 1

    modern studies 1

    german 1

    wasn't expecting anything as good as this, not complaining thought.

  3. Got mine by text. Six 1's and two 2's! Am well pleased. :D

  4. I forgot to sign up for that so i'm waiting for the good old postman who will almost definitely be late! Did you not sign up for the text service, because my brother has got his results through that already.  

  5. I've not got my results through the email service yet, but I've found that emails can take about 10 minutes or so to get to you. If I know that someone has sent me an email at a specific time, it takes time to get to me. So I wouldn't worry about it. ;] I'll be here before you know it. Good luck! :]

    My text result has come through though, if you had that service?

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