
Standardbred X - Dealing with pacing issues..?

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My horse is a TB/Standardbred/QH... At least, thats what we've narrowed it down to. Anyways, sometimes when he's nervous/scared/anxious, he will pace.

Needless to say, at a Horse show, this happens from time to time. We were at one a couple days ago, and for the first class, he was pacing, and exitable. He got over this though, and it didn't happen again.

I've been dealing with his pacing more and more as we progress through jumping. He paces before/after the jump sometimes.

Does anyone own a Standardbred cross and have any experience with pacers? I know it's genetic and you can't get rid of it, but how do you deal with it while jumping/horse showing?

This guy has heaps of potential and he's got hunter horse written all over him. His form over fences is incredible. I wont write this guy off just because he paces from time to time. I'd love to see my little Standardbred X kick some butt... =) Thanks!!




  1. i am currently working with a standardbred just off the track. i have issues with the pace with canter transitions, and when she is unbalanced in corners etc. whenever she paces i immediatly bring her to the walk and start over. i understand you cant do this in a show ring, try putting your leg on to get him to "switch gears"...ive found this works for mine sometimes, then again every horse is different. patience is key... since my girl is right off the track... she has been taught NOT to trot at all by means of hobbles etc.. good luck!

  2. well u can correct it.I have a 6 year old standardbred x pacer.It took her 3 months ,but now she does not pace.We made her pace over some trot poles.We also  made  her do some gymnastic jumping.I always used a loss rein when working with her.hopes this helps


                                         good  luck,..,  bye,.

  4. Warming up is essential.  I presume by pacing you mean going too fast.  

    To calm the nerves try  taking him to shows so he can get used to the sights and sounds of the show without entering him in competitions.  Just school him around in a quietish area and though you need to be on the alert for adverse behaviour try and get yourself into mind frame that this is all very boring and routine and you would rather be washing up the dishes etc.

    This helps to relax you.

    School at slow paces and learn how to slow the strides by slowing your own seat movement.  The horse will come back to your stride.  This far superior to holding on to the horses mouth.  It is less tiring for you or him, and pulling his mouth is likely to set him off to fight you.  Natural response..

    Set out some poles at the correct length, have a small cross bar etc then after say two paces have another 3 or 4 poles.

    Practice from time to time going over the poles in walk, trot last couple of strides, pop jump, stride and trot poles again.

    Gymnastic jumping can help altogether.

    Good luck with your chap.  He sounds lovely.

  5. Not being a jumper, I may be missing something here.  I have owned standard bred X's before and used them for trail...not a problem, if they got pacey so what they got over it. you say that your guy paces if excited, or jumps or prepares for a jump, and yet you say he does a great job with the I don't understand what the big deal is...if he is doing all of his jobs and doing a good that not what you want...if he does the course well, do they take points off if he paces sometimes...sorry I just am trying to figure out what the problem is if the pacing is just annoying and maybe looks funny.

  6. Try a jumping hackamore or bitless bridle on a loose rein.  When your horse gets pacey, loosen your rein even more, while putting your leg on the horse to drive him forward.  Also work on trotting ground poles at home.  Pacing tends to happen with collection.  Change your collection cues so that he has new cues to associate with the form you want.  Practice holding the trot at extensions first.

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