
Standing order form?

by  |  earlier

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to pay council tax

the form dosent have a space for the date i want payment to come out just a space for my bank name and the amount to come out but is not that clear and it says account below blank space.

once i have filled this out do i take it to the bank?

will the banks set the date up?

shouldn't it be on the council form?





  1. I think (and I could be wrong) that it's actually a direct debit form, not a standing order form.  The difference is this (this is how my bank explained it):

    - Direct debit - you are giving the payee authority to take money out of your account when they want to.  It usually has to be a proper company to do this.  So things like councils, utility providers, etc will be paid this way.

    - Standing order - you are setting up a payment to go out of your account on a regular basis to someone who is not a proper company, so this would include paying rent, or if you have child support payments going out, or something like that.

    If I'm correct, then that's why there's no space for the date on the form.  You're giving them authority to take it when they want to.

    Yes, when the form is completed take it or post it to the bank.  Maybe just go in and ask about the date - I'm sure they'll be able to explain it more clearly than I have done!

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