
Star A has a spectral type of K and is 20 parsecs from Earth. Star B has a spectral type of K..?

by Guest57655  |  earlier

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..but it is 100 par-secs from Earth. Both are measured to have the same apparent brightness on Earth. What do we know about these two stars?

Star A is a red giant and Star B is a Main Sequence star

Star A is a protostar and Star B is a T Tauri star

Star A is fusing hydrogen in its core and Star B is fusing hydrogen in a shell around its core.

Star A will emit a planetary nebula before Star B.

which one?




  1. KStar...

  2. This answer is most likely to be correct:

    Star A is fusing hydrogen in its core and Star B is fusing hydrogen in a shell around its core.

    This answer is probably also correct:

    Star A will emit a planetary nebula before Star B.

    (Unless, of course, star B is much older than star A.)

    This answer is certainly FALSE:

    Star A is a red giant and Star B is a Main Sequence star

    Without more information, I can't tell you whether this answer is true or false:

    Star A is a protostar and Star B is a T Tauri star

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