
Star Question? 1000 points. ?

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1. how is a star mass related to the process to the process of necleosynthesis? 2. what element will our sun convert later in its evolution? 3. what is the fate of the following star sizes? a. sun like stars ( mass under 1.5 times the mass of the sun) b. huge stars ( mass between 1.5 to 3 times the mass of the sun) c. Giant Stars (mass over 3 times the mass of the sun) ?




  1. Don't lie to us.  You can not give any more than 10 points.  

    Hint: all stars will eventually burn out.  

    No, I will not do your homework for you.  

  2. if you make up 100 questions and give me best answer for each one so that i get 1000 points then i'll answer your question

  3. as for that process im not to sure truthfully, but I do know that later in our stars life it will convert helium which burns much hotter then the hyrodgen that it burns now so it will make the sun swell to unbelieveable sizes..

    Fate of star similar to our size will burn out in a last puff of energy and turn into a white dwarf.

    Huge stars will develop into supernovas which explode with enough force to outshine entire galaxies.

    and supermassive stars can collapse in on themselves and form black holes. These stars are unemaginably big, like beatulguese or the biggest star known to man called vy canis majoris, check out the difference between those and our sun, its awesome

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