
Star during <span title="day........................................">day.........................</span>

by  |  earlier

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i was sitting out side right now with my grand parents.. it was light outside same as day becaus eit gets dark here at around 10pm and i looked it up and i saw a star... well i though it was a star but during the day?... you can;t even see stars during the night here... it wasent moving and it was a size of a star also... i showed my grandpa it and the shine like a star went automaticly away.. and the object slowly disapeared.. this was not moving and it was a size of a star... my grandpa told me it was a satalite... hmmm... what do you think it was?... and please no alien posts.. only if its reasnable...




  1. The sky is transparent, even during the day.  The stars are still there, and if you know where to look with binoculars, sometimes you can spot the brighter planets up during the day (such as Venus).  It sounds like you saw one of the brighter satellites - if it went away, it was either something like the space station or you saw a daytime iridium flash (light reflecting off the solar panels of a communications satellite).

  2. Yes, as said above - please give your location, general direction, time, and how long the object was visible for.  

    You must understand that the sky will look different depending on where you are, what time it is and what direction you are looking.

    You can see Venus in daylight if you know where to look.  But it would not disappear, unless a cloud passed over.

    Venus is always in the same quadrant of the sky as the sun, and is visible for a limited time either after sunset or before sunrise, hence you see why we need a general direction and time.  

    You can easily see Jupiter in daylight with binoculars, but I am not sure you could see it with naked eye.  But again, it would not disappear.

    An Iridium satellite flashes bright for a few seconds, so you see why we need the length of time it was visible.

    Satellites move across the sky (except for Geosynchronous ones, but they are distant and invisible to the naked eye).

    A very bright meteor that has entered thr atmosphere in your general direction will appear in one point, but again will only last seconds.  

    In future if you want to ask a question like this, remember to give these details.

  3. what time of day and direction?

    if south east in the evening,  JUPITER

    if near the sun just after sunset,  probably VENUS

    but without more info, who knows

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