
Star if you felt an earthquake today!?

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any interesting stories?




  1. Chicago, Illinois...supposedly several hundred people felt the earthquake in Chicago...200 miles from the epicenter but I didn't feel it. However my dog was crying around the time it was happening...any chance these people were lying just to get on tv or could it really be felt in Chicago?

  2. Indianapolis, Indiana

    I woke up around 5:40am and my bed was shaking. My closet doors were rattling and my objects on my dresser were rattling too. It was my first experience of feeling an earthquake. I am like the "Princess and the Pea", i would be in a deep sleep, but if i'm moved slowly or a small noise of something goes off, i wake up and aware that i'm wide awake.

    So i was wide awake when the earthquake happened. The first thing that came to my mind of what it could be was an earthquake.

    I went into the living room to see if anyone woke up. Then i went to the bathroom and prayed that another one won't happen when i go pee. Then i went back into my room. I heard the living room tv turn on. My 2nd thought was that i thought there was a robber. I went to the living room and i found mom watching the news. She felt the shaking too, but dad, my sis, and bro didn't.

    Then i went to the high school and that was our most talked subject.

    Yea, and i heard that there are probably gonna be a dozen this week, which i'm excited cuz i want to feel that again!

  3. yep, i sure did!  i live in east central illinois. my bed was a shaken somethin awful.  i live in a very old apartment building and the entire building was shaken.  i didn't know what the h**l had happened until the morning and started talking to others.

  4. Yes it could have felt in Chicago.  Midwest earthquakes travel further than the ones in California due to the flat land and soft ground.   This earthquake was felt up to 300 miles away.  I didn't feel it myself but by bird woke me up when he started panicing in his cage.  He was flying around and was scared after waking up suddenly.  My friend also called me after his 3 birds woke him up doing the same thing.

  5. i live 3 miles from where it originated.  my bf and i were sleeping on the couches in family room bc our bedroom is under construction.  our big screen tv and windows shook really bad.  it lasted for about 3-45 seconds.  as soon as it stopped shaking, i went and got my 3yo daughter out of bed.  it didn't wake her up at all.  we all layed on the couches and watched the braking news for awhile.  we called all of our family.  bf's mom had mortar come out of the rock wall in her house.  it is new mortar too.  my mom works at the hospital and they kept getting people calling to ask if a train had derailed.  

    we felt aftershocks all morning long.  you could feel it vibrate the floor.  then at 10:15 it happened again.  but at a different spot, this one was 2 miles from where we live.  my 3yr old came running thru the house to tell us she "didn't do it!"  she was talking about the pics falling off the wall and her cable box coming off the tv.  lots of people said the second one did more damage than the first, but i don't know.  the second one only lasted 15-20 secs.

  6. I live in California and earthquakes to us is like somewhat we call a casual event... Last year we had a 5.6 and boy a rocked us good and about 6 years we had a 6.0, but the one you guys had out there was pretty serious too.

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