
Star of David... Why is it a symbol?

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Where did the Star of David come from? Why is it a symbol for Judaism?




  1. it's most likely a symbol from when the star showed where Jesus was born. it shone over bethlehem, also the birthplace of king david, considered the greatest king in jewish history. the bible says the star was easily recognized, and shone about 2 years. the star of david symbol is easily recognized having 6 points, while most drawn stars have 5 points.  

  2. As with many symbols, the exact source is unknown.  It just arose as a generally accepted symbol - there wasn't one specific source that we know of.  

    (No, it has nothing to do with Jesus.  It's the Star of DAVID, who came long before Jesus.)

  3. its not really from the jews... its an older kabalah...or ancient aramaic.most times used as an amulet tob wave off bad spirits.yes it is a infinite mother and father that really created the world and is in unison with the one true god

  4. The Star of David was actually a common decoration in Roman times. In the Torah, King David was said to have used a six point shield, but the symbol did not become associated firmly with judaism until sometime in the early middle ages.

  5. One Jewish school of thought believed their god to be male and female at the same time. So they put their sign for a male (deity), an upright triangle, and the sign for a female, a triangle standing on its apex, together to make a sign for their god. That seems to be also the reason why it's not a full, uni-coloured star.

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