
Star struck 2 year it normal?

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My 2 year old daughter is absolutely IN LOVE with the Jonas Brothers, every time they are on TV, she stops whatever shes doing just to watch them! Every time their song comes on the radio, she makes me turn it up! And every time she sees them on a magazine, she HAS to have it!!! I would expect this from a girl a little older, but she is 2! Is this normal? Should I be worried?




  1. not normal,try talking to her doc? she really shouldn't be watching that much tv anyway that she actually recognizes them.. and has to have the magazine, I've seen this before and it creates bad habits of "I have to haves". It's ok to like a song or a certain show, but it sounds like it's a little too much

  2. maybe she doesnt like cartoons, but i dont think this is not normal, maybe she sees them all the time so becuz of that they have become a part of life for her

  3. It's normal. Some children are are different then other children. I have often been babysitting a lot of kids from the age of 4-5 and most of them like the  tree house channel (dora, diego, Etc.) but some like hannah montana and the jonas brothers. Even though they are older then 2, i still think it's natural.  Your 2 year old is just interested in different things then most of the people her age would be interested in.  It's  normal

  4. yeah it's normal all kids are different take my daughter for example the only kids shows she watches are the ones with actual humans in it. like she would rather watch 'I Love Money' then 'The Wonder Pets''s totally normal

  5. That is so normal, my daughter LOOOOOVES the same stuff (shes 4) but at 2 she looooved HSM... . .. It may be because of the music too... .. . HSM HM and the JB are all sort of musical.. . . I wouldnt be worried.. . . try introducing her to like other musicals, and some too... .. maybe she will like that? just a sugg.

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